Semi-rich Americans – those pulling in north of six figures or sitting on sevenish – have tons in common: long work hours, college diplomas, urban and semi-urban zip codes, subscription fatigue, international travel plans, Zoloft prescriptions, several complimentary tote bags worth of anxiety, and *oof* marginal tax rates. We come in different varietals, but each have at least two of the three “classets”: status, taste, money. The Romantics These are the high-status, low-income folks who make art, chase tenure, write books, and splurge at farmer’s markets. Many, but not all, come from some money. All of them have odd obsessions. The Professionals
These are the medium-status, high-earning climbers who constitute the corporate rank and file. These are also the folks likely to be derailed by the current war on middle management. The Creatives
These are the high-status, medium-earning marketers, content creators, programmers, start-up hustlers, and expensive hoodie wearers. These people know a weird amount about restaurants.The Elite
These are the high-status, high-income successes who have successfully leveraged the privilege they were born with into comfort and joy. You know who they are because you envy them.Petite BourgeouisieThese are the “Main Street Millionaires” who own car dealerships and the biggest house in town. They have money, but they aren’t Upper Middle – largely because they dislike everyone who is.
“The influential classes, and those who take upon themselves to be leaders of the people, are fully liable to all the passionate error that has ever characterized the maddest mob.”